Tag Archives: Frailty

The Advantage JA State of the Art Report

Supporting Policy on Frailty Preventions and Managemente in the EU– The  ADVANTAGE JA State of the Art Report.

Demographic ageing is one of the most serious challenges that Europe is currently facing. Older people are at greatest risk of becoming frail and developing disability, which will ultimately impact on the wellbeing of the individuals and on the sustainability of healthcare systems. However, frailty is not an inevitable consequence of ageing, it can be prevented and treated to foster a longer and healthier life. To this end, the Joint Action (JA) ADVANTAGE, has prepared  the State of the Art on Frailty Report, which will support frailty as a public health priority and inform future planning of frailty prevention and management.

The findings presented in the State of the Art on Frailty Report are the result of scientific evidence elaborated by the ADVANTAGE JA partners and discussed with a Panel of Experts in order to produce a common conceptual framework for further work and for future social-health policy recommendations. The document answers key questions to best address frailty:

  • what is frailty?
  • why is it a public health problem?
  • what is the relationship with chronic diseases?
  • how can frailty be prevented?
  • how should health care and social systems adapt to address frail patients?.


The report covers different areas of interest:

  • Frailty definition. Relationship of frailty with chronic diseases and multi-morbidity. Individual screening and diagnosis;
  • Epidemiology. Population screening, monitoring and surveillance;
  • Prevention. Clinical management and treatment (including nutrition, physical activity, drugs and ICTs);
  • Health and social care models for frailty management;
  • Education/training of the workforce. Research.

The key messages are grounded in scientific knowledge and acknowledge the heterogeneity of the Member States health and social care systems in a scenario of demographic change and economic constraints across the EU. These messages will be an instrument of added value to advocate for policy driven decisions on frailty prevention and management in the JA participating Member States and subsequently towards a reduction of disability in the older population in Europe.

Further information and the specific reports are available at the JA website www.advantageja.eu


For more information, please contact: info@advantageja.eu